Kamis, 30 Januari 2020

English project

English Project

Group 1
Members : adam nugraha
                    Rizqi rahman
                    Yulianti novita sari 

Opening : maju tak gentar
News : Philippine volcano spews lava, ash, shutting Manila airport
Materials :  simple past tense and present perfect tense
Video link : https://youtu.be/ppFv1hlMHjI
Short movie link : https://youtu.be/cSGZyRBpMBE
Closing : ampar ampar pisang

Group 2
Members : Naira Ananda
                    Natasya A.A
                    Sarah Devi

Opening : Garuda Pancasila 
News : https://pagesix.com/2020/01/18/taylor-swift-attempted-to-kick-justin-bieber-out-of-her-gym/
Materials : Recount text; My idol
Video link : https://youtu.be/AYEs51tVlUI
Short movie link : https://youtu.be/0FJvh4va78s
Closing  : Manuk Dadali.

Group 3
Members : indah, valent, rahmat

Opening : indonesia jaya
News : https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/16/health/amish-children-sudden-deaths-mystery-trnd/index.html
Materials :  grammar past tense/spt
Video link :https://youtu.be/g-uW_KheiEc
Short movie link : https://youtu.be/tTjHEyEAlsc
Closing  : kicir-kicir

Group 6
Members : Dion Widhitama
                    M.Akmal Muzzaki
                    Ryan aric ardhani

Opening : tanah airku
News : https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4863931/jakarta-diguyur-hujan-deras-pagi-ini-sejumlah-titik-tergenang-banjir
Materials : chapter 10 dialog and recount text
Video link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKifv4M1nZ0&t=90s
Short movie link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jmq94PQmW0I&t=53s

Group 7
Members : - Cantikha Nur Hikmah
                   - Najwa Rifda
                   - Pinkan Galung

Opening : https://youtu.be/da4fehN4LeI
News : https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/news/20200123183449-4-132308/virus-corona-buat-malindo-air-setop-penerbangan-ke-wuhan
Materials: grammar past irregular verb (chapter 7)
Video : https://youtu.be/DSkTdGjM5q8
Short movie : https://youtu.be/2P5ZYT5xPoQ
Closing : ayo mama

Group 8
Members :
-Amelia Nur Anisa K.
-Yoga Ramadhani K.

Opening : berkibarlah benderaku
News : https://www.bbc.com/news/health-51148303
Materials :  recount text
Video link : https://youtu.be/TePhLOWlFEQ
Short movie : https://youtu.be/5L4DQfVIcdg
Closing : Cublak cublak suweng

Group 9
Members : Achmad Haikal
                  Fara Dilla

Opening : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4mL2GEzY0t8
News : https://googleweblight.com/i?u=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-51215348&hl=id-ID
Materials : Grammar (IX)
               Adverbal Prase
Video link :
Short movie link :
Closing  : soleram

Group 10
Members :
Fabiana Afanin
Tiara Pravita Sari

Opening : Halo-halo Bandung
News : https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/22/entertainment/taylor-swift-miss-americana-trailer/index.html
Materials : Narrative Text
Video link : https://youtu.be/vhKfssr3TJM
Short movie : https://youtu.be/lyoaLway15g
Closing : Soleram

Group 11
Members :
-alea azalia
-jibril gibran

Opening : padamu negri
News :
Materials : grammar chapter 12 reported speech & direct speech
Video link :nyusul
Short movie link :nyusul
Closing :bungong jumpa

Group 12
Members :
1. Azzahra Hidayanti
2. Della Zahra Aulia

Opening  : Ibu Pertiwi
News : https://internasional.kompas.com/read/2020/01/22/19390651/korban-meninggal-virus-corona-di-china-bertambah-jadi-9-orang-disebut?utm_source=Whatsapp
Materials :  grammar past tense/spt
Video link : https://youtu.be/_XP4le29BAM
Short movie link : https://youtu.be/JOWiPx5VRUU
Closing  : Manuk Dadali

Group 13
Members :-Andhika Gusti P
                   -Mikaila Acelin S

Opening : Bangun pemudi pemuda
News :https://www.wsj.com/articles/hong-kong-protestapproved-by-policeends-with-tear-gas-arrests-11579441327
Materials : Grammar & Past perfect tense
Video link :https://youtu.be/A3HRUtZCAa4
Short movie : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNw8V_Fkw28
Closing  :Desaku

Group 14
Members : Fadli.M.H


Recalling Chapter 8
( Recount text ) 

on 24 th January 2020. group 2 presented the result of their discussion about recount text
first, we sing a song called "GARUDA PANCASILA" of opening presentation group 2 with lyrics.

Garuda pancasila
Akulah pendukungmu

Patriot proklamasi

Sedia berkorban untukmu

Pancasila dasar negara

Rakyat adil makmur sentosa

Pribadi bangsaku
Ayo maju maju
Ayo maju maju
Ayo maju maju

the next presentation news about "Taylor Swift attempted to kick Justin Bieber out of her gym"

Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber

When Taylor Swift pays big bucks for a private gym session, that’s just what she expects, even if it means kicking a fellow pop star out of the vicinity.
The “You Need to Calm Down” singer, 30, recently attempted to have Justin Bieber, 25, and several others removed from the Dogpound Gym in West Hollywood, TMZ reports.
The “Yummy” artist and his security team were approached and asked to leave, but they refused to budge until the Biebs finished his workout, according to the site.
the next is learning materials
this is material about recount text

this is video about recount text 

then after the material is given, there are a few question about recount text. some students answer by raising their hands and standing.

this is question about recount text from presentation group 2

Then group 2 displays a short movie about wolfsong
synopsis short movie of "wolfsong"

A mother wolf breaks into a hunter's den and takes back her cub, only to find it a motionless trophy. She sings a lullaby hoping that the cub would finally sleep. Little does she know that a young hunter stalks them back from the den.

And the closing presentation, we are singing. this is lyrics song closing presentation.

Mesat ngapung luhur jauh di awang-awang
Meberkeun jangjangna bangun taya karingrang
Sukuna ranggaos reujeung pamatukna ngeluk
Ngapak mega bari hiberna tarik nyuruwuk
Saha anu bisa nyusul kana tandangna
Gandang jeung pertentang taya bandingannana
Dipikagimir dipikaserab ku sasama
Taya karempan kasieun
Manuk Dadali manuk panggagahna
Perlambang sakti Indonesia Jaya
Manuk Dadali pangkakon carana
Resep ngahiji rukun sakabehna

Hirup sauyunan tara pahiri-hiri
Silih pikanyaah teu inggis bela pati
Manuk dadali ngandung siloka sinatria
Keur sakumna Bangsa di Nagara Indonesia

Finish, thank you for reading my bloggg. Luv luv luv

Kamis, 23 Januari 2020

Recalling grammar chapter 7

Recalling Chapter 7
( grammar simple past tense and present perfect tense ) 

on 17th January 2020. group 1 presented the result of their discussion about expressing intention.
first, we sing a song called "MAJU TAK GENTAR" of opening presentation group 1 with lyrics.

maju tak gentar
membela yang benar
maju tak gentar
hak kita diserang
maju serentak 
mengusir penyerang
maju serentak tentu kita menang
bergerak "bergerak"
serentak "serentak"
menrejang, menerkam terjang
tak gentar "tak gentar"
menyerang "menyerang"
majulah, majulah menang

the next presentation news about philiphine volcano spews lava, ash, shutting Manila airport.

Taal Volcano spews ash on Monday Jan. 13, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, south of Manila, Philippines.  (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

the news tells about red hot lava gushed out of a philiphine volcano monday after a sudden eruption of ash and steam that forced villagers to flee and shut down Manila's international airport, offices and schools.

the next is learning materials

Definition simple past tense
simple past tense is a form of verb that is used to express activities or events that have been done or happened in the past.

Function simple past tense
Simple past tense to discuss actions that occurred at a certain time in the past

Simple past tense formula 
Positive (+)
Subject (I-You-She-He-It-We-They)+ Verb II + Object

Negative (-)
Subject (I-You-She-He-It-We-They)+ did not (didn’t) + Verb I + Object

Interrogative (?)
Did + Subject (I-You-She-He-It-We-They)+ Verb I +Object  ?

Simple past tense time description 
  1. This.... 
  2. Last.... 
  3. Yesterday.... 
  4. Once upon a time
Example simple past tense : 
  1. She studied English last night. 
  2. She did not study English last night. 
  3. We went to Madura last year.
  4. We did not go to Madura last year.
Definition simple present perfect tense
This tense is used to declare that a betake work completed at the time the sentence is made or past events that have to do with now.

Verbal sentence:
        (+) S+HAVE/HAS+V III
        (-) S+HAVE/HAS NOT+V III
        (?) HAVE/HAS+S+V III?
1.     (+) we have lived here for 4 years
        (-) We haven’t lived here for 4 years
        (?) Have we lived here for 4 years?
             Yes, we have/No, we haven’t

This is video about simple past and perfect tense

Then after the material is given, there are a few qustions about simple past and perfect tense. some students answer by raising their hands and standing.

This is qustion with the answer about simple past tense and perfect tense from presentation group 

1. + my mother cooked fried rice for my birthday party last month 
    - my mother did not cook fried rice for my birthday party last month
    ? did your mother cook fried rice your birthday party last month ?
       yes, i did / no, i didn't

2. + i have read the book
    - i haven't read the book
    ? have you read the book? yes, i have / no, i haven't

then group 1 displays a short movie about Johnny express

synopsis short movie of " Jhonny Express "

It's 2150. There are all sorts of Aliens living throughout space. Johnny is a Space Delivery Man who travels to different planets to deliver packages. Johnny is lazy and his only desire is to sleep in his autopilot spaceship. when the spaceship arrives at the destination, all he has to do is simply deliver the box. However, it never goes as planned. Johnny encounters strange and bizarre planets and always seems to cause trouble on his delivery route.

And the closing presentation, we are singing. this is lyrics song closing presentation.

                        "Ampar-Ampar Pisang"                                    
Ampar ampar pisang
Pisangku balum masak
Masak sabigi dihurung bari-bari
Masak sabigi dihurung bari-bari

Mangga lepak mangga lepok
Patah kayu bengkok
Bengkok dimakan api
Apinya canculupan

Nang mana batis kutung
Dikitip bidawang
Nang mana batis kutung
Dikitip bidawang

Ampar ampar pisang, pisangku balum masak
Masak sabigi dihurung bari-bari
Mangga lepak mangga lepok, patah kayu bengkok
Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan

Nang mana batis kutung, dikitip bidawang
Nang mana batis kutung, dikitip bidawang

Mangga lepak mangga lepok, patah kayu bengkok
Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan
Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan

Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan
Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan
Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan

Finish, thank you for reading my blogggggg

Kamis, 16 Januari 2020


My Holiday💗💗💗

Hello readers. My name is yulianti. I want to description about my holiday. My school vacation is more time spent at home than on vacation, 2 weeks at home is very boring, nothing new happened but I just enjoyed this vacation. During the holidays I help my mother to take care of the house such as sweeping, mopping, washing, tidying the house etc., I am at home to accompany my sister so that we can play together to spend time, my sister is very spoiled when I ask for bribe if The shower is bathed, and I also help to look after the shop and serve the customers.

even on this holiday I have ospk activities, namely BAKSOS in Tanah Abang, we are there to help the residents to give donations such as clothes and other basic necessities. l

Like that was my vacation this time even though it's boring but I still enjoyed it. Thank you💗💗

Generic structure 
Orientation : 
Hello readers. My name is yulianti. I want to description about my holiday. My school vacation is more time spent at home than on vacation, 2 weeks at home is very boring, nothing new happened but I just enjoyed this vacation.

Events : 
1. I help my mother to take care of the house such as sweeping.
2.  my sister is very spoiled when I ask for bribe if The shower is bathed, and I also help to look after the shop and serve the customers.
3.even on this holiday I have ospk activities, namely BAKSOS in Tanah Abang.

Re- orientation :
I Like that was my vacation this time even though it's boring but I still enjoyed it.