Kamis, 27 Februari 2020

recalling chapter 9 group 5


on 14 th February 2020. group 5 presented the result of their discussion about past vs present. .
first, we sing a song called "BERKIBARLAH BENDERAKU" of opening presentation group 5 with lyrics.

Berkibarlah benderaku

Lambang suci gagah perwira
Di seluruh pantai Indonesia
Kau tetap pujaan bangsa
Siapa berani menurunkan engkau

Serentak rakyatmu membela
Sang merah putih yang perwira
Berkibarlah Slama-lamanya
Kami rakyat Indonesia

Bersedia setiap masa
Mencurahkan segenap tenaga
Supaya kau tetap cemerlang
Tak goyang jiwaku menahan rintangan

Tak gentar rakyatmu berkorban
Sang merah putih yang perwira
Berkibarkah Slama-lamanya

This is video song opening group presentation

the next presentation news about "earquake of mignitutede 6,2 strikes"
Map showing the northern part of the NT, parts of East Timor and Indonesia, with a red dot where the earthquake was.

The Indonesia Geophysics Agency and the BoM said there was no tsunami potential from the quake. Northern Territory residents told the ABC they felt the tremors in and around Darwin and as far away as Katherine.The Tanimbar Islands are 556km north of Darwin and separate the Banda Sea and the Arafura Sea. In June last year, a magnitude-7.3 quake struck the islands, and the tremors were felt in Darwin on that occasion as well. Indonesia, which sits on the seismically active Pacific Ring of Fire, often suffers deadly earthquakes and tsunamis.
the next is learning materials
this is material about TO BE

this is video about past vs present

then after the material is given, there are a few question about the PAST VS PRESENT. some students answer by raising their hands and standing.

this is question about TO BE from presentation group 5.

Then group 5 displays a short movie about borrowed time
synopsis short movie of "borrowed time"

Every once in a while, a film comes along that really shakes you at your emotional core. Rarer still is the animated film that achieves such a feat in our increasingly desensitized world. Then along came Borrowed Time, an animated short film from a pair of Pixar animators that eschews the notion that animation is for kids by crafting a bleak tale of personal, intimate devastation set against a stark Wild Western backdrop.
Even if you’ve been following more avant-garde animation for a while now, you might still be surprised by the events of Borrowed Time. I obviously won’t get into the plot points here, so if you have a few minutes to spare and want to share your thoughts and feelings in the comments, feel free to do so! my only contribution is that one particular message that comes across in the film is a bit heavy-handed, which detracts from the overall piece, but only slightly.

And the closing presentation, we are singing. this is lyrics song closing presentation.

this is video song closing presentation 

~Finish, thank you for reading my bloggg. Luv luv luv~

Kamis, 13 Februari 2020

recalling chapter 9

Recalling Chapter 9
( The Battle Of Surabaya )

on 7 th February 2020. group 4 presented the result of their discussion about recount teks.
first, we sing a song called "GUGUR BUNGA" of opening presentation group 4 with lyrics.

Betapa hatiku takkan pilu
Telah gugur pahlawanku
Betapa hatiku takkan sedih
Hamba ditinggal sendiri
Siapakah kini pelipur lara
Nan setia dan perwira
Siapakah kini pahlawan hati
Pembela bangsa sejati
Telah gugur pahlawanku
Tunai sudah janji bakti
Gugur satu tumbuh seribu
Tanah air jaya sakti
Gugur bungaku di taman bakti
Di haribaan pertiwi
Harum semerbak menambahkan sari
Tanah air jaya sakti

Telah gugur pahlawanku
Tunai sudah janji bakti
Gugur satu tumbuh seribu
Tanah air

This is video song opening group presentation

the next presentation news about "world war III was trending"

In the hours after the Pentagon announced the killing of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani on Thursday, "World War III" was trending on Twitter. Traffic to the US Selective Service, the agency that would be responsible for any eventual military draft, spiked so high that the website crashed.
Also trending was "Wag the Dog," the 1997 movie that conjured up the notion of a president trying to distract from a scandal by spreading news of overseas conflict. Remarkably, that dark comedy was officially released just days before news broke about President Bill Clinton's real-life scandal, his relationship with a White House intern. That scandal played out as the US fired missiles at Iraq and resulted in an impeachment trial in the Senate. "Wag the Dog" became a pop culture meme, and some of President Donald Trump's critics trotted it out to question the timing of the killing of Soleimani, who commanded Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force.
the next is learning materials
this is material about recount tense ( the battle of surabaya )

this is video about simple past tense

then after the material is given, there are a few question about the battle of surabaya. some students answer by raising their hands and standing.

this is question about recount text from presentation group 4.

Then group 4 displays a short movie about oko lele
synopsis short movie of "Oko lele"

The animation tells the story of Jamie, a modern-day boy scout who is accidentally teleported back in time to the stone age via a mysterious portal during his jungle hiking trip. There, he encounters two cavemen named Oko & Lele. Due to the language barrier, the entire group is forced to communicate through body language and hand gestures, resulting in a number of humorous situations.

And the closing presentation, we are singing. this is lyrics song closing presentation.

Hasil gambar untuk lirik lagu suwe ora jamu
this is video song closing presentation 

~Finish, thank you for reading my bloggg. Luv luv luv~

Kamis, 06 Februari 2020

recalling chapter 8 group 3

Recalling Chapter 8
( Grammar past tense) 

on 31 th January 2020. group 3 presented the result of their discussion about simple past tense.
first, we sing a song called "INDONESIA JAYA" of opening presentation group 3 with lyrics.

Hari-hari Terus BerlaluTiada pernah berhentiS'ribu rintang jalan berlikuBukanlah suatu penghalang

Hadapilah segala tantanganMohon Petunjuk yang kuasaCiptakanlah Kerukunan BangsaKobarkanlah, dalam dadaSemangat jiwa Pancasila...

Reff:Hidup tiada mungkin...Tanpa perjuangan,Tanpa pengorbanan,Mulia adanyaBerpegangan tangan...Dalam satu cita...Demi masa depan...Indonesia Jaya

the next presentation news about "No one knew the kids in 2 amish famillies were dying suddenly, now researchers have some answers"

About 15 years ago, an Amish family in the eastern US was hit by an unexplainable tragedy -- one of their children died suddenly while playing and running around. Just a few months later, the same fate befell another one of their children. Six years later, they lost another child. Two years after that, another one.

The autopsies didn't offer any clues. The children's hearts appeared normal. The family had what they referred to as "the curse of sudden death." And medical examiners couldn't figure out why.

After the deaths of the first two children, a medical examiner who conducted the autopsies got in touch with researchers at the Mayo Clinic Windland Smith Rice Sudden Death Genomics Laboratory in 2004. Researchers at the lab had pioneered the concept of molecular autopsy, using genetic testing to understand the cause of death in sudden unexplained cases, and the examiner wanted to see if they could shed light on the mystery affecting the Amish community.
the next is learning materials
this is material about simple past tense

this is video about simple past tense

then after the material is given, there are a few question about simple past tense. some students answer by raising their hands and standing.

this is question about simple past tense from presentation group 3

Then group 3 displays a short movie about piper 
synopsis short movie of "piper "

A flock of sandpiper hunt for food at a seashore, rushing to peck at the sand when the wave recedes and retreating when it comes in. One baby is encouraged by her mother to join the flock, but she fails to retreat in time and is drenched by the incoming surf. The incident leaves the baby terrified of the water; she refuses to leave the nest, but soon notices a group of hermit crabs digging into the sand to find deeper food and keep from being buffeted by the tide. By copying their behavior, she starts to see the beauty of the underwater world and becomes skilled at discovering food for the flock.

And the closing presentation, we are singing. this is lyrics song closing presentation.

Kicir kicir ini lagunya

Lagu lama ya tuan dari Jakarta
Saya menyanyi ya tuan memang sengaja
Untuk menghibur menghibur hati nan duka
Burung dara burung merpati
Terbang cepat ya tuan tiada tara
Bilalah kita ya tuan suka menyanyi
Badanlah sehat ya tuan hati gembira
Pap parirarapa parirarapapapa
Buah mangga enak rasanya

Si manalagi ya tuan paling ternama
Siapa saya ya tuan rajin bekerja
Pasti menjadi menjadi warga berguna
Burung dara burung merpati
Terbang cepat ya tuan tiada tara
Bilalah kita ya tuan suka menyanyi
Badanlah sehat ya tuan hati gembira

~Finish, thank you for reading my bloggg. Luv luv luv~

sing a song about friend

FRIENDS BY MEGHAN TRAINOR   I know we about to have a good time 'Cause I got all my friends with me I know everything's gonna...