Kamis, 16 Januari 2020


My Holiday💗💗💗

Hello readers. My name is yulianti. I want to description about my holiday. My school vacation is more time spent at home than on vacation, 2 weeks at home is very boring, nothing new happened but I just enjoyed this vacation. During the holidays I help my mother to take care of the house such as sweeping, mopping, washing, tidying the house etc., I am at home to accompany my sister so that we can play together to spend time, my sister is very spoiled when I ask for bribe if The shower is bathed, and I also help to look after the shop and serve the customers.

even on this holiday I have ospk activities, namely BAKSOS in Tanah Abang, we are there to help the residents to give donations such as clothes and other basic necessities. l

Like that was my vacation this time even though it's boring but I still enjoyed it. Thank you💗💗

Generic structure 
Orientation : 
Hello readers. My name is yulianti. I want to description about my holiday. My school vacation is more time spent at home than on vacation, 2 weeks at home is very boring, nothing new happened but I just enjoyed this vacation.

Events : 
1. I help my mother to take care of the house such as sweeping.
2.  my sister is very spoiled when I ask for bribe if The shower is bathed, and I also help to look after the shop and serve the customers.
3.even on this holiday I have ospk activities, namely BAKSOS in Tanah Abang.

Re- orientation :
I Like that was my vacation this time even though it's boring but I still enjoyed it. 

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